ADDRESS: 2604-B El Camino Real #405; Carlsbad, CA 92008
Only telehealth services are provided at this time
PHONE: (949) 422-7185
Please call for a free phone consultation.
I will do my best to return your call within two business days.
Do NOT send text messages to this number. Text messages are not considered a secure, and thus, I do not use it as a means of communication in my
To access telehealth, log into your account on the client portal at Click on
"Appointments," then "All." There you will find the link to your teleheatlh appointment. The link should work with a computer or smart phone (Android or iOS) with a webcam/front-facing camera, microphone, speakers, and peferably high-speed internet
connection with the latest version of your internet browser.
More tips for telehealth:
Use a private, confidential space where no one else will be within hearing
Use headphones with microphone for optimal privacy
Find a location to prop up your device for stability, preferably at eye
Choose a well-lit area and try not to place ligth sources behind you
Mute noises (phones, alarms, etc.) to avoid distraction
Shut down background applications on your system and restart your system before the
Disconnect other devices from the same wi-fi to enable the best connection
Test your audio and video connection before your first session
Internet is not a secure or confidential medium. Therefore, do not send by email any information
which you consider confidential. Email communication should be restricted to matters related to scheduling, and all other communication regarding clinical matters should be done over the telephone or
in person.
If you are having a mental health crisis that is not a life-threatening emergency, please call
the San Diego Crisis Line at (888)
724-7240 or the National Suicide Prevention Line
at (800) 273-8255. For medical or psychiatric emergencies, call your local hospital emergency room such
as the Tri-City Emergency Room at (760)
940-3505 or call 911.
As a rule, I do not keep emergency hours and my concern is that messages regarding
urgent matters may end up reaching me later than would be desired or, in rare cases, not at all. I understand some clients may need more availability than I offer, so please consider this
limitation when searching for a therapist that best meets your needs.
Confidentiality is the cornerstone of mental health treatment and is protected by the law. I can only release information about
our work to others with your written permission. Some basic information about diagnosis and treatment may be required as a condition of your insurance coverage. In addition, I may occasionally
find it helpful to consult with other professionals. In these circumstances, I will make every effort to avoid revealing the identity of my client. The consultant is also legally bound to keep the
information confidential.
Exceptions to confidentiality where disclosure is required by law:
if there is threat of serious bodily harm others, I am required to take protective actions, which
may include notifying the potential victim, notifying the police, or seeking appropriate hospitalization.
If there is threat to harm yourself, I am required to seek hospitalization for you, or to contact
family members or others who can help provide protection.
If there is an indication of abuse to a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person, even if it
is about a party other than yourself, I must file a report with the appropriate state agency.
If you are involved in judicial proceedings, you have the right to prevent me from providing any
information about your treatment. However, in some circumstances in which your emotional condition is an important element, a judge may require my testimony.
If due to mental illness, you are unable to meet your basic needs, such as clothing, food, and
shelter, I may have to disclose information in order to access services to provide for your basic needs.
These situations have rarely arisen in my clinical practice, but should such a situation occur, I
will make every effort to fully discuss it with you before taking any action.